
Spotlight on Mulberry Land

Spotlight on Land

Through close liaison with landowners, agents and local authorities, the aim of our new Land department is to build on the excellent reputation of our established brand.

Mulberry Land Managing Director, Ben Coles says, “The main purpose of Mulberry Land is to generate value through the planning process and by working in partnership with landowners, planners, local authorities and local communities, we create places of lasting appeal that maximise the true value of sites and have a positive impact on the surrounding area.

“My objective is to both buy land and work in collaboration with landowners where we can use our experience and resource to provide bespoke solutions to unlocking the development potential of sites.

“Our aim is to either take land under control to develop or alternatively to sell following receipt of planning and our team are actively searching the A1/M1 corridors of the country, identifying and acquiring a raft of new opportunities.”

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